Posted in Heartwarming

Adorable Dog Melts Millions Of Hearts While Making Rounds Watching Over Triplets

When a woman gives birth to triplets, it is sure that her life will be so busy as she has to take care of 3…

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Posted in Heartwarming

Devastated Dog Takes New Kitten Right Away And Fills The Void In His Life

A dog called Martin was very heartbroken after losing Alma, a Labrador doggy sister who was also his best friend! Martin was miserable and lonely…

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Posted in Heartwarming

Veterinary Nurse Has Its Own Sweet Way To Greet Pets Waking After Surgery

Anesthesia always has an effect on creatures no matter if they are humans or animals. However, when people wake up, they generally don’t have the…

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Posted in Heartwarming

Dog Suffering From Cancer Rejected By 4 Families, Until One Man Sees Him And Takes Action

This story speaks about Thanos, a poor dog, who was diagnosed with cancer that quickly spread to the head and leaving him with a huge…

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Posted in Heartwarming

Pit Bull Is So Excited When Realizes That He Has Been Adopted By His Rescuer

When a dog called Mojo was first surrendered to a shelter in Nova Scotia, Canada, he could not eat as he was so weak, and…

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Posted in Heartwarming

Mam Dog Melts Hearts Of Millions When Reuniting With Her Puppies After Growing Up

The video below speaks about a poor dog called Bess, who was found wandering Tennessee’s streets, lonely, miserable and even pregnant! She was seen by…

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Posted in Heartwarming

Meet The Adorable Elf Owl Is The Smallest Owl In The World

The 1st thing people think about when they heard owls is that they are creepy-looking birds that are massive. But the truth is that they…

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Posted in Heartwarming

Meet The Majestic Black Forest Horse Of Germany Who Melts Hearts Of Millions

This story speaks about an endangered horse type called black forest horses, that live in Germany. The moment you see these horses, you will fall…

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Posted in Heartwarming

Kindhearted Butcher Used To Leave Leftovers Outside His Shop To Feed Stray Dogs

Finding a homeless cat in a butcher shop is something very rare as stray cats generally bother butchers by trying to get some meat to…

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Posted in Heartwarming

Man Shared ‘Ultrasound’ Showing His Dog In His Womb As A Proof That His Dog Is His Daughter

People treat pets as family members as they live with them all the time, go with them almost everywhere, and spend the good and bad…

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