A Woman Rescues A Sick Dog Dumped In Freezing Weather Who Kept Crawling And Trying To Keep Warm

No pup should ever know how heartbreaking it feels to be betrayed by their owners and to be left at the mercy of the streets.

Unfortunately, it’s a sad reality for many dogs.

Pick was one of the canines who ended up on the streets, feeling rejected and unloved. Heartless people dumped him at a local market in the freezing weather.

Trembling with cold, he crawled and tried to find a warm shelter.

Every time he saw people walking past him, he looked at them with his sad eyes as if he was begging them to help him.

Sadly, the passers-by failed to find compassion in their hearts and come to his aid.

After realizing that the people ignored him because he was sick, the pup started losing hope.

Little did he know that his life would soon change in ways he couldn’t even imagine.


Helping The Little Pup

abandoned dog laying
Source: The MohoA kind woman who visited the local market noticed the abandoned pup.Her heart sank when she saw the terrible state he was in. The dog’s eyes were filled with hopelessness and sorrow. He had no fur on his wrinkled skin.The compassionate human lifted the little canine from the cold concrete and he hid in her shopping bag. He felt scared.The woman took him home and gave him a bath, hoping that he would feel better.She drove the pup to the vet for a thorough medical examination. 

He was diagnosed with a severe skin disease, and he needed to be quarantined.


The dog’s legs were deformed. The vet reassured the rescuer that the pup would make a full recovery as soon as he got enough calcium.

The Dog Begins Fighting For His Recovery

cold little puppy with injured legs
Source: The MohoThe good woman brought the little canine home. She and her family showered him with a lot of love and positive affirmations.She decided to name him Pick and give him a forever home.The dog felt grateful to his new mom for giving him a second chance at life.Pick felt determined to fully recover. His skin was itchy, but he never complained. His mom’s love gave him the strength to keep on fighting. 

She often took him outside so that he could get natural calcium.

Pick made an effort to walk again. He often stumbled, but he refused to give up.

puppy on the porch
Source: The MohoLittle by little, he started feeling better.Two weeks after his rescue, Pick regained his strength. He started running and smiling more.He brought a lot of happiness to his mom. Every time she returned home from work, Pick welcomed her, wagging his tail.



His legs recovered completely.

Pick Turns Into A Healthy And Handsome Pup

puppy sitting on the floor
Source: The Moho



A month and a half later, the dog’s fur grew back. Pick became a handsome pup. He felt confident and happy, and his eyes shone brighter than ever.

His mom took him swimming for the first time in his life. Pick enjoyed it, and he couldn’t stop smiling.

Pick lives the life of his dreams with his mom, who loves him infinitely.

He went from an unwanted and sick pup whom everyone ignored to a healthy and happy pup.

Many thanks to his incredible mom for showing compassion to Pick when nobody else wanted to help him and for giving him all her love.




Missing Dog Found In Dumpster With His Face And Body Wrapped In Duct Tape Cries For His Mum

Missing Dog Found In Dumpster With His Face And Body Wrapped In Duct Tape Cries For His Mum

I’m pretty sure that every pet parent’s biggest fear is losing their furry friend.

And, when such an unfortunate event happens, all they can think of is where they are, if they are safe, and will they ever return home.

Unfortunately, there are some hoomans who simply don’t understand this and completely disregard the fact that animals have feelings, too.

A Very Heartbreaking Scene

woman holding a dog stuck in duckt tape
Source: Facebook

When an employee at an Omaha accounting firm heard some strange noises coming from a dumpster, she initially thought that it was a raccoon.

But, since it was late at night, she wasn’t really comfortable checking the dumpster so she hoped that somebody else would open it and let the stray animal out.

However, when she returned in the morning, she was shocked to find out that it wasn’t a raccoon at all. It was actually an innocent, scared puppy who was covered in duct tape.

poor dog wrapped head in a duckt tape
Source: Facebook

His entire head was wrapped up in it, and his back legs were taped together. His tail was also taped up in duct tape and he had a lot of food and other debris stuck in his fur.

The worried hoomans immediately contacted Animal Control and informed them of the situation.

“I have never seen anything like it,” said Kevin W, one of the staff members who made the discovery.

The poor guy was immediately rushed to the Nebraska Humane Society where he received all the help he needed.

Finally Safe

As soon as he reached the Nebraska shelter, he was sedated, allowing the staff members to remove all of the tape and dirt.

Because the duct tape was so strong, the staff had to shave off his fur in order to take it off completely.

veterinarian helping dog on the vet table
Source: FacebookAs soon as he was freed, the puppy was super happy and greeted his rescuers with a lot of hugs and kisses.

The staff then conducted a thorough medical examination and determined that despite some mild skin irritation, he was perfectly healthy.

Luckily, the pup had a microchip, allowing the Nebraska Humane Society to find out not only his name, Leo, but also the contact information of his owners.



woman holding happy dog in arms
Source: Facebook

As it turned out, Leo was reported missing by his mum as soon as he disappeared, and she was so overjoyed to have him back in her embrace. However, she simply couldn’t understand why somebody would put him through all of this.

“He’s the sweetest dog! I don’t know why anyone would do this,” said Erin, Leo’s mum.

Luckily, Leo and his family can put all of this behind them, as he is now safe and sound in the warmth of his home and will never have to go through anything like this ever again!

Open For Investigation

Unfortunately, the dumpster in which Leo was found is located in an area where there are no cameras.

That is why the Nebraska Humane Society is urging anyone who has any information about this case to immediately contact the Nebraska Humane Society.

The humane society is offering a $1,000 reward for any information that would lead to an arrest concerning Leo’s case.



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