14 Funny Pictures Proving That Rottweilers Never Miss Their Chance to Eat Something

If you’re reading this, you’re Rottweiler probably has its eyes on you every time you eat. But, with their big round begging eyes and pleading paws, it’s just impossible not to give in! And you thought these dogs would never miss their chance to eat something, whatever that is.

Here are 14 funny photos proving that Rottweiler never misses their chance to eat something.

#1 Hey, mom! This watermelon is not bad, you can buy another one to try it!
A Rottweiler lying in the yard while licking its mouth behind the slice of watermelon

#2 Ok, fur! Get out of watermelon now! You`ve already eaten one! This one is mine!
A Rottweiler eating watermelon

#3 You are not you when you`re hungry
A woman taking a selfie with her Rottweiler biting the laid tree trunk at the park

#4 What is this, mom? Where is my Birthday cake?
A Rottweiler sitting at the table while wearing birthday cone hat

#5 Mom, may I taste this cake, please?
A Rottweiler standing on the floor behind the cake on top of the table

#6 What a tasty candy I have found!
A Rottweiler sitting on the bed while biting the heart candy

#7 To drink a cup of coffee is the best way to start a new day
A Rottweiler puppy lying on the floor behind its cup of coffee

#8 Give me the bottle! – Nope, this is my drink and I will drink it to the last drop!
A man standing behind the railing by the ocean while holding the leash of a Rottweiler holding an empty plastic soda in its mouth

#9 I will guard the dinner today! No one is allowed to try it!
A Rottweiler sleeping on the kitchen floor

#10 Where is my lunch box? – No idea, dad!
A Rottweiler puppy sitting on the pavement while staring

#11 I have picked up all these mushrooms and now I want risotto with them
A Rottweiler lying on the pavement behind the bucket full of harvested mushroom

#12 What are you eating, human? Why didn`t you call me?
A Rottweiler standing on the floor while smelling the taco in the hand of a woman

#13 What is this? I`ve ordered a steak medium rare but it is 100% rare!
A Rottweiler lying on the floor behind its food in the bowl

#14 Finally we got our dinner!

A Rottweiler and a dachshund eating their food from the bowl

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