A blind and deaf dog, and her loving dad as they share a heartwarming reunion filled with joy and love.

This beautiful dog Opal has to live with disabilities everyday. She is an eight-month-old double Merle rescued pup from Double J Dog Ranch, and she now lives at home with her two humans in Spokane. She is blind and deaf, making her life much harder and challenging but that does not stop her from enjoying a very special existence. Her other senses are heightened and this allows her to enjoy the life that she deserves.

Her parents are very proud of her and they love to share her exploits with the rest of the world. Like most dogs, she loves to wait for her owners to come home each day. Even without the ability to see and hear, she is still able to sense their presence each day. What an incredible trait to have.

This dog is so smart, she can sense which car is her dad’s. When neighbor cars pass by, she does not flinch. When her dad’s car makes it way towards the house? It is a completely different story. Obviously, the dog can’t see or hear her owner coming, but she does smell him from a distance and as soon as she catches a his scent, she’s jumping with joy.

You can see how much she loves her owners. It makes my eyes start to water just watching it.

This beautiful dog Opal has to live with disabilities everyday.

She is an eight-month-old double Merle rescued pup from Double J Dog Ranch, and she now lives at home with her two humans in Spokane.

She is blind and deaf, making her life much harder and challenging but that does not stop her from enjoying a very special existence.

Her other senses are heightened and this allows her to enjoy the life that she deserves.

Like most dogs, she loves to wait for her owners to come home each day.

This dog is so smart, she can sense which car is her dad’s. When neighbor cars pass by, she does not flinch. When her dad’s car makes it way towards the house? It is a completely different story.

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