After saving her life, a police officer adopts an abandoned injured puppy.

On July 16, the Augusta Police Department dispatched Officer Sara Rogers to pick up a neglected puppy that was injured.

She took the puppy to a nearby clinic while authorities searched for her owner.

Throughout her shift, Officer Rogers kept an eye on the puppy to make sure she was okay until representatives from the Kennebec Humane Society arrived.Officer Rogers developed a close bond with the dog, and the two of them even shared a meal.




To help this kind canine, Rogers felt she needed to take additional action. She decided to foster her till she was ready for adoption because they were never adopted.

Rogers decided to keep the dog, which she gave the name Rey after a Jedi from Star Wars.

The touching tale and a picture of the cute couple were posted on the Facebook page of the August Police Department.

Rogers was unable to let her go when the time came for her to locate a new residence.



The moment a stray dog shakes hands with a rescuer after saving his life


So glad that someone finally rescued him! Look in those eyes need he say more? ????????

Little pup found wandering along a busy road, while people kept passing him by. When rescuers approached him he ter.rif.ied, One hour later he offered them his paw …

Unfortunately, the dog was passed by by many people without thinking to help him. So, the rescuers decided to be careful in rescuing the dog as he was of people. Thankfully, they were able to save the dog after spending for an hour to gain his trust.

The dog, who was covered in fl.eas, was taken to a [ve.t cli.nic], where they decided that the dog needed many [me.dicated] baths as he was [diag.nosed with dem.odectic ma.nge].

The good thing was that the dog started to improve as he was surrounded with love and care. The dog, who was named Fram, would stay under the care of the [ve.t cli.nic] until they found him a forever home.????????

Glad he was taken care of. Happy he found his forever home.???????? Thanks for rescuing it dogs are amazing animals. They know their Guardian Angels ????????❤ May Life treat you as you treat animals!. Prayers for this Dog to a better life and hom to a family…!????????????????????

Watch the heartwarming moment in video below:



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Dog Cuddles Her Human Brother To Help Him Sleep, And Ends Up Saving His Life


The best part of dogs’ day is when they play with their favorite toy or get the meal they like the most. But it is not the same for all dogs as Daisy, a two-year-old Rottweiler puppy loves sleeping with her human brother all the night more than anything.

Daisy’s mama, Brittany Troilo, said that since the dog joined their family before 2 years, the home has been being filled with love. She also added that Daisy is her son’s shadow as she never leaves his side all the night. The mother said that they spend the day playing in the backyard, and when it is time for her son to sleep, Daisy waits for him on the stairs for the bed time routine to start.

When the bed is ready, she jumps on it waiting for her brother to come after brushing his teeth. When they are both in the bed, she hooks her arm around his and holds him all the night. One day, the boy started having an emergency as he has type one diabetes. So, Daisy directly went to her mama to wake her up to let her tend to him.

Troilo said that in the middle of the night, if her son’s sugar is low or high Daisy always comes to wake her up. Despite not being trained, Daisy is completely aware of what her brother’s situation is as she does not sleep on the Dexcom, a medical equipment, to keep him safe. I think that it is one of the greatest and cutest stories ever.

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