After their owner’s tragic hiking accident, grieving pit bulls find solace in comforting one another. zz

Two dogs are now comforting each other after their humans died in a hiking accident while with them.

Tonka and Little P were hiking with their owner, 33-year-old Kris Busching, and his friend, Mark, in Colorado when they wound up getting lost.

When they were two days into their hike, Busching and the dogs tried to descend into a canyon to get to a fresh water source, but fell when Busching lost his footing.


He tried to pull his dogs up, but all three of them fell to the bottom of the canyon. Tonka and Little P were injured, but Busching sadly died on impact.

The two dogs stayed by their human until help arrived for them and Mark.

Mark and the dogs then traveled to Long Island, New York, to Busching’s family, before they were rushed to an emergency vet.


Mr. Bones & Co, a nonprofit animal shelter organization, stepped up to help Tonka and Little P, who are now in their care.

They were confused as to where their owner was and were grieving without him. But they stuck together and even began comforting each other as they learned to deal with their pain, both physically and emotionally.

The shelter posted a video of the brothers, comforting each other by touching noses.

“The level of loyalty and love that radiated from these two as big brother Tonka was admitted to our emergency animal hospital so that his leg could be saved needs no further caption,” they wrote. “His bond with Little P is forever.”

Both dogs are expected to make a full recovery. They are now looking for a loving forever home for these two brothers, who must be adopted together.

They will consider all states within driving distance of New York City. If you’re interested, please fill out an application at

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