Bear Is Trapped By Snow On Freeway, So Man Starts Following Him To Keep Him Safe

Driving through the picturesque Crater Lake National Park in southern Oregon, an outdoor tour guide was taken aback when he spotted a single bear stranded on Highway 62. Ecstatic to witness such a rare sight, his elation quickly turned into worry as the animal desperately sought an escape route back into the woods that were blanketed with fresh snow.

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: ViralHog via YouTube Video


Out of compassion, the tour guide followed the hapless bear closely as he stumbled left and right in an attempt to climb up the towering snowbanks along either side of lane. The compassionate tour guide was determined to keep him safe from any oncoming cars.

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: ViralHog via YouTube Video


With every ounce of energy, the bear valiantly attempted to climb over the colossal snowbanks. In spite of his weakening stamina after each failed try, he persevered in pursuit of freedom – until a ray of optimism lit up his despairing situation.

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: ViralHog via YouTube Video

After an arduous journey through the seemingly never-ending road of terror, the defeated bear stumbled upon a cozy housing complex in the park. A small but inviting snow path to his left ultimately took him right into the woods, and we couldn’t help but cheer for this heroic little creature as he made his escape.

Click on the video below to watch how a determined bear refused to give up and eventually escaped his icy entrapment!

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