Cat Starts Meowing And Leads Cops To A Missing 83-Year-Old Woman Who Fell Into Valley

Neighbors of an 83-year-old woman called emergency services in Cornwall, England as they were concerned about her after being missing for more than 1 hour, according to BBC News.

The authorities went looking for her but to no avail until a cat was heard meowing by one of the publics. Piran, the cat, was meowing loudly after seeing the woman who fell down a ravine. So, the rescuers were able to left the woman up the ravine taking her to the hospital in an air ambulance.

Bodmin Police said that the cat, Piran, saved the day as he was able to lead them to the woman who had fallen 70′ into a stream. They also shared an image of Piran, the hero black cat to let people know who he is. How great!

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