Childish beauty: Babies have eyes and eyelashes like beautiful pictures

Many Vietnamese mothers “please beg” the boy’s big eyes, curved eyelashes, high nose, … of the boy.


Childhood beauty always makes adults flutter. Many babies are born with the appearance of an angel, as in the case of boy Rakan – a Middle Eastern servant living in Australia. The boy owns more than 140 thousand followers on his personal page thanks to his doll-like appearance.


The baby with beautiful, picturesque eyes and eyelashes makes a Vietnamese mother beg for mercy - 3


The baby's beautiful eyes and curvy eyelashes make the mother of Vietnamese diapers beg for mercy - 4


The baby's beautiful eyes and curvy eyelashes make the mother of Vietnamese diapers beg for mercy - 5


The baby with beautiful eyes and curvy eyelashes makes a Vietnamese mother cry for mercy - 6


The baby with beautiful eyes and curvy eyelashes makes a Vietnamese mother cry for mercy - 7



Some of Rakan’s pictures make everyone squirm because they are no different from paintings.

Rakan was born in May 2019, now more than 3 years old. Rakan’s parents regularly post pictures of their son on social media, regularly updating each child’s milestones. At the time of birth, Rakan attracted attention because of his chubby face like a little angel, ruddy white skin and curly hair. Every feature on the boy’s face was as picturesque as a statue with big round eyes, high nose bridge and full lips.

In particular, Rakan has beautiful amber eyes with unreal curled eyelashes. Looking at Rakan’s eyes, many mothers “melt” and earnestly “beg for mercy” for their children. Indeed, the eyes are the windows to the soul. Rakan’s eyes easily “catch” anyone’s soul because of their perfect glitter.

The baby with beautiful, curved eyes and eyelashes makes a Vietnamese mother cry for mercy - 8


The baby with beautiful, curved eyes and eyelashes makes a Vietnamese mother cry for mercy - 9


The older, the more soulful Rakan’s eyes are, beautiful with curling black eyelashes.

The baby with beautiful eyes and curvaceous eyelashes makes a Vietnamese mother beg for mercy - 10


The close-up picture of Rakan’s eyes made many hearts sob.

At the age of 3, Rakan was bold in front of the camera, very stylishly “dressed up” by his parents. Currently, the boy is wearing long curly hair. At first glance, Rakan can be mistaken for a girl because she is so pretty. Many people believe that Rakan can become a popular child model.

The baby's beautiful eyes and curvy eyelashes make a Vietnamese mother cry for mercy - 11


The baby with beautiful eyes and curvy eyelashes makes a Vietnamese mother beg for mercy - 12


The boy possesses the aura of a child model.

Rakan’s unreal beauty makes many people curious about the boy’s parents’ appearance. It can be said that Rakan has inherited the outstanding appearance gene of his parents, because Rakan’s newborn sister Larin also has beautiful eyes and an angelic face.

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The baby with beautiful eyes and curvy eyelashes makes a Vietnamese mother cry for mercy - 14


Little sister Rakan is also a child angel with beautiful eyes just like her brother.

Rakan and Larin’s parents must be very happy because they gave birth to a beautiful, lovely, and obedient little prince and princess. The couple did not hesitate to express their feelings and create many unique photo ideas for their two children.

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The baby with beautiful, picturesque eyes and curvy eyelashes makes a Vietnamese mother cry for mercy - 16


Brothers Rakan – Larin caused a storm on social networks because of their lovely appearance.

In addition to genetics, taking care of children’s beauty from a young age is also extremely important, helping them become more and more beautiful and healthy. Here are some notes for breastfeeding moms to refer to:

Take care of your teeth since your child… has not yet teethed

Parents must pay attention to taking care of their children’s teeth and gums before the first tooth erupts. Having clean, healthy gums creates a premise for beautiful white teeth to grow later. Even if your baby isn’t teething yet, it’s very important to keep your baby’s gums clean. At this time, the baby does not need to use any toothpaste. Simply wrap a soft cloth or gauze around your index finger and rub it gently on your baby’s gums. Parents should clean their baby’s teeth twice a day. Since your baby has his or her first tooth, use a toothbrush with a small round head and soft bristles to brush your baby’s teeth.

Children should not have a habit of bottle-feeding and holding a bottle of milk or sugar-containing water in their mouth at bedtime, especially at night. Teach your baby to drink water after eating. Just a little water after each meal can also clean the baby’s teeth, remove the leftovers in the mouth.

Use beer and coconut oil to grow thick and smooth hair

Mothers are often afraid of cold children, so they often wash their hair with hot water. Hot water that is too old will cause your baby’s hair to dry out and lose its protective oil layer. Especially in the hot summer weather, mothers should only choose water a little warmer than the baby’s body temperature to wash their hair.

To maintain smooth and soft hair for children, every time you wash your baby’s hair, before rinsing your hair, put a little coconut oil on your baby’s hair and then rinse it out. Coconut oil has the effect of making hair beautiful, thick and extremely healthy, with less shedding. You can also use 1/3 of a beer can to wash your baby’s hair and massage, then rinse with clean water, do it once a week. The high protein content as well as the very low pH in beer are very beneficial for the hair, providing and adding nutrients to make the baby’s hair noticeably smoother.

Teach your child to drink a lot of water to have beautiful skin

One of the most important factors indispensable for a vibrant skin is water. Young children are often very lazy to drink water. Mothers should pay attention to flexible and diverse processing of water and milk to attract children to drink water more often such as soy milk, fresh milk mixed with fruit, smoothies, coconut water, …

Put your baby to bed early and get enough sleep

In the evening, the mother should let the baby go to bed early, avoiding the child staying up late to follow the parents. Babies need a reasonable amount of time to rest, recharge, and produce growth hormone. Scientific sleep is an indispensable condition for children to develop their height comprehensively. Toddlers need 10-13 hours of sleep per day. Children of school age and pre-puberty need 10-12 hours of sleep per day. Children 13 years and older need 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep per day. No matter how old your child is, try to get them into the habit of going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time – even on weekends.

Not only has the effect of stimulating the production of hormones to grow taller, having enough and deep sleep at night also helps babies have fresh and healthy skin. At night, the skin regenerates cells faster than during the day. Skin cells regenerate at twice the rate between 11pm and 4am.

Let your baby learn to swim to increase height

Let your child choose his favorite sport and practice with him or sign him up for a class. The sport that mothers encourage their daughters to learn is swimming. Swimming is one of the sports that develops the body comprehensively, especially height. Learning to swim from a young age helps children have a slim body, thin waist, broad shoulders and high posture. In addition, children who swim regularly also have a confident mentality, a happy mood and are easy to adapt to the environment in all circumstances.

Cadie Moc Tra is 8 years old, has beautiful eyes, and a high nose bridge


As she grows up, Elly’s daughter is more beautiful, making many mothers very satisfied.



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