Dog food order arrives after dogs pass away – man asks for a refund and is taken aback by reply

The loss of a dog in the home is absolutely devastating, and the saying that dogs are a man’s best friend is most definitely true. Not having your loyal four-footer around anymore is an absolutely horrible feeling, especially after spending so many great moments together.

It’s never easy to say goodbye – but it’s best to remember and cherish all of the beautiful moments with our pets who are no longer here anymore.

Tragically, one family lost both of their dogs on the same weekend.

Source: Facebook

Laura Waltenburg’s sister and her husband owned two pooches, but they suddenly passed away.

There was a large order of dog food underway from Chewy, which arrived after the two four-footers died.

“My sister and brother-in-law tragically lost both of their dogs this past weekend. After this happened, they received two 40-pound bags of dog food that they had ordered from the Chewy company. My brother-in-law sent them an email requesting permission to send the dog food back for a refund, minus the shipping cost,” Laura wrote on her Facebook profile.

Source: Love What Matters

The man simply asked the company to send the food back for a refund, but Chewy responded in a brilliant and heartwarming manner.

A company representative told them that the refund wasn’t going to be a problem at all, but they then showered the owners with kindness and an even better offer.

“They responded with unbelievable kindness! They credited their credit card for the full purchase price; and asked them to donate the dog food to a local shelter. They sent a second email requesting a picture of one of the dogs to put in their memorial book, to honor her. And then today, my sister and brother-in-law received these beautiful flowers from Chewy. I wish I could tell everybody this story… This is an incredible company!”

Source: Love What Matters

Not only could the family keep the dog food to donate it to a shelter, but they also honored the dogs and gave the family some love and support.

Laura’s Facebook post went viral and was shared more than 11,000 times.

Dozens of people commented on Laura’s original post, and they started sharing their own experiences with dog companies.

For example, Chewy sent a woman named Jana Lynn a beautiful painting of her dog who passed away to cancer.

“Chewy followed my baby girl Joy through struggles of overcoming back leg paralysis and fighting off 4 forms of cancer. When she lost her 4 year battle they sent me her beautiful face on a canvas. I cry routinely gazing at it still, one year later. They are beyond measure.”

Source: Facebook

Another commenter posted a screenshot of a conversation with the company after they lost their pet, and it’s just full of warmth and love.

“We’re so sorry to hear about the loss of Muggings and she sounds like she was loving the stroller time with the steady breeze in her face. It must be a tough time going through her loss but for the couple years you had her, she was enjoying every bit. Surrounded by a loving family and leaving paw prints on everyone’s heart. We love you incredibly, Amanda, and if there’s anything you ever need – even just an ear – we’re always here for you.”

Source: Facebook

It’s clear that this company puts its customers in the first place.

Dealing with the loss of a pet is incredibly difficult, but it’s small acts of kindness like these that can make life a little bit easier.

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