Dog Rescued From Breeder Walked Around With Her Bed On Her Back To Feel Safe

It’s hard to imagine what some rescue dogs had to go through before arriving at a point where they could live like normal dogs. Sometimes that pain is worn on their sleeves until they’re able to leave those pasts behind. As for Holly the Chinese Crested dog, it would take her a bit to shed her rough beginning to life.

Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via Facebook Watch


Understandably, the dog was terrified after being rescued from a breeder and taken to her new home. She would carry her bed around with her everywhere she went because it made her feel safe. It was going to be a long road ahead, but gradually she started to feel more comfortable.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via Facebook Watch


Holly recovered little by little each day as she grew accustomed to her unfamiliar surroundings and new life. She simply needed to relearn how to trust again.

And now, she’s come out of her shell–she no longer feels the need to hide away as a turtle would. Just look at her, living it up and playing in her cute pajamas!

Click and watch the adorable and heartwarming video below!

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