Dog saves abandoned newborn baby’s life by leading passerby to his location at rubbish dump

Adding to the infinite number of reasons to love dogs is a story from the Philippines over the Christmas period.


According to Cebu Daily News, a 36-year-old man named Junrell Fuentes Revilla was riding his motorcycle in the municipality of Sibonga on the morning of Dec. 24 when he encountered a barking black dog.

With the canine continually pestering him, Revilla decided to follow it.

The dog eventually led him to a grassy vacant lot near the town’s dumpsite.

There he disovered a newborn wrapped in a towel with his umblical cord and placenta still intact, reported Cebu Daily News.

Sibonga’s police department wrote on Facebook that Revilla brought the baby to the hospital where he is now being cared for.


Image of the baby in hospital
Image from Sibonga WCPD’s Facebook page





Dog well taken care of


The heroic dog was later tracked down by Filippino NGO Stay for Dogs, who found that it was not a stray as originally reported.


Image of Blacky the heroic dog Image from Hope for Stray’s Facebook page


In fact, Blacky is an 18-month-old pup who is one of 10 dogs belonging to the family of a man named Kuya Lyndon Olingay.

“No matter how hard life is, even though I’m poor, I feed all of my dogs and take care of them well,” said Olingay.




The NGO — together with the Pawssion Project Foundation — provided Olingay’s family with groceries, pet supplies, and monetary donations as a reward for raising “such an intelligent and friendly dog”.

Top image from Sibonga WCPD’s Facebook page

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