Dog thrown out of lorry driving at 50mph in Kent ‘incredibly lucky to survive’, RSPCA says

Veterinary surgeons immediately operated on Bella to see if she had any internal bleeding after the incident in Yalding.

A dog who was thrown from a moving lorry was “incredibly lucky to survive”, but is doing well and enjoying life with her adopted owners, the RSPCA says.

Bella, who has been renamed by her new family, was found underweight, frightened and covered with a flea-ridden, matted coat by the side of the road in Yalding, Kent on 28 January this year.

Vets discovered she had been thrown from the window of a lorry travelling as fast as 50mph.

Inspector Kirsten Ormerod said her team were “amazed” she survived the incident.

“Bella was incredibly lucky to survive after being hurled from the moving vehicle at such a high speed and vets were incredibly concerned that she may have suffered internal bleeding so performed surgery immediately,” she added.

The RSPCA has launched an investigation into who was responsible but it is still unsolved.

After being nursed back to health, Bella was adopted by Gill, her husband Ray and their daughter – a family who live in nearby Maidstone.

Bella receiving care at the local RSPCA centre
Bella happy in the garden with her new owners

Gill, who found Bella on the RSPCA’s ‘find a pet’ website, said: “She is really happy here and is always wagging her tail.

“She can be a bit naughty and play-bites a lot, but we love her just the way she is.”

The animal welfare charity launched a summer appeal to “cancel out cruelty” to animals, encouraging people to donate money.

It receives more than 90,000 calls to its cruelty line every month and has investigated 6,000 reports of deliberate animal cruelty.

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