Dog waits every night for his owner with flashlight to protect her until they get home safely

Some animals’ behaviors make you speechless. Fortunately, there are many more ways to capture or record important moments and events around the world today. Furthermore, they are now easy to distribute. And this is the case of Mao Mao, a beautiful Labrador retriever, whom we will discuss in this article due to his distinct behavior. We’re in Yichang, a massive Chinese city, and this small dog has silenced hundreds in front of the television.


The Labrador and his owner have already travelled around the world. What happens to the story’s two protagonists? When his mistress gets off the bus on her way home from work, which could be in the evening or very late at night, she has to walk down a dark street. She is completely in the dark and has to travel home alone.

Her parents would come looking for her to keep her company on the way. After years of raising Mao Mao, the Labrador has developed a deeply ingrained behavior. When word arrives from afar that the girl is about to get off the bus, she serves as a reporter for her family. The family then started letting the dog out with a flashlight to find the girl in the darkness.


Seeing Mao Mao pick up his beloved human and protect her until she returns home exemplifies the unique bond that owners have with their furry best friends. Above all, it’s fascinating to observe how this “relay” is constantly monitored and completed.
Labrador China with Flashlight.
The road ahead is winding and dark. However, Mao Mao has been the mistress’ ideal companion for a long time. Every evening, her parents simply need to send a Whatsapp message to Mao Mao to authorize her pickup.
Obviously, the Labrador does not wander around after being released from his home. He approaches the girl at the stop like an actual flashlight, complete with a glowing collar. In reality, the dog is outfitted with colorful lights attached to its collar in order to attract attention. There is no better protector than Mao Mao, who continues to do this wonderful daily task for the adorable human.


Rescuers Who Saved A Three-Week-Old Puppy From A Dangerous Railway Decided To Not Stop There


It is truly unbelievable how some people can have such cruel hearts. If we look closely enough, we can often see this in our everyday lives, but some stories about neglected, abandoned, or abused animals are the best examples.

Today’s story shows us two dumped dogs who found themselves on the edge because of the cruel acts of the ones they trusted the most.

Fortunately, the point of this story is not to condemn such individuals, but to celebrate those good souls who appeared out of nowhere and brought happiness to them.

Saving The Poor Little One

puppy on a railway
Source: The Moho

When these kind-hearted people were passing by the railway, they saw something tiny and curled up beneath the rail. As soon as they got closer, their hearts broke when they realized that a poor little puppy was stuck there.

They immediately rushed to that place and helped the poor little one get his head out of there. When one of the rescuers took him in his arms, he was still so frightened that he couldn’t stop shaking.

rescuing puppy
Source: The Moho

This was not a surprise considering the fact that he was dumped and betrayed by humans. These good people, however, couldn’t believe that someone had the heart to do such a thing.

They were outraged and disappointed, but at the same time, this motivated them even more to help the poor dog and ensure him a brighter future. When the puppy finally managed to calm down and start trusting them a little, they brought him to the veterinary clinic.

puppy at vet
Source: The Moho

The vet found many fleas and parasites on his body, and his temperature was very unstable. All this was proof that he had been abandoned for a long time.

Despite all the difficulties, the puppy was able to overcome them all with the help of the good people. He still couldn’t go anywhere because he would instantly pick up an infection that would worsen his enteritisbut these people were convinced of his bright future.

cute puppy sitting on the table
Source: The Moho

They believed that after he was fully vaccinated, he would completely recover and find his forever home. This dog definitely deserved it.

Another Precious Life

dog lays on the ground
Source: The Moho

These great people didn’t stop with this good deed only. They showed their big heart in yet another heartbreaking case of dog abandonment.

When they found her, the poor canine, later named Diana, was lying on the street, dumped like trash. To make matters worse, her previous owner poisoned all her siblings, and she was bypassed by such a fate only by sheer luck.

Although they were devastated by this heartbreaking sight, these people didn’t wait a minute but immediately brought her to their premises. Poor Diana was in such a bad state that she couldn’t stop vomiting. Aside from that, she had difficulties with walking due to her huge belly.

However, just like the previous dog, this brave girl was able to overcome all the difficulties, and after a few weeks of treatment, she got much better. She was in good shape, always smiling, and always running around. All in all, Diana was a new dog.

smiling dog (2)
Source: The Moho

The only thing she lacked was a happy ending, but we do not doubt that she will meet it very soon.

Although these two stories had a terrible beginning, great people made an effort to bring tears of joy to our eyes in both cases. They succeeded because they proved that there are still good souls that make this life worth living.





Man Dedicates His Life To Adopting Senior Dogs Who Can’t Find Forever Home



Accountant Steve Greig has a lot of animals to keep him busy. He lives with ten dogs, ducks, chickens, pigeons, cats, a pig, a rabbit, and a bunch of Koi fishes.It all started after Greig lost his first dog. Since both of his parents loved animals, Steve grew up surrounded by them. He had a dog who was so close to him that when it died, even months later, he was still mourning its loss.



So, in order to feel better, Greig decided to adopt the least adoptable dog at his local shelter. As if he was still caring for the deceased dog, Greig went to the shelter to adopt the most adoptable dog they had. Instead of mourning for the one he lost, he decided to adopt a new dog. His house eventually boasted 10 pets, including a 12-year-old Chihuahua named Eeyore. He gave the dog all his love and attention, so he named him Eeyore.


Only eight of Greig’s ten dogs are his, he told The Dodo. One is owned by his roommate and one by his sister, but they are still very important members of the pack, since his house is now a “day care” for animals.



Greig’s morning routine involves him making breakfast for everyone and giving his pets medicine. He then leaves for work, returns during lunchtime to check on his animals, and then goes back to work. In addition to walking the dogs all of the time, he also jogs every day when he has the time.


The weekends are his time for pet essentials and food shopping, vet visits and everything else necessary. Even though he has at least 10 pets, Greig is happy and enjoys the company of everyone. However, he has a special place in his heart for senior dogs.



Sadly, due to the fact that people are typically looking for puppies, senior dogs have fewer chances of being adopted in shelters. However, senior dogs are extremely easy to care for. They like to nap a lot, get along with other dogs and most of them have a gentler temperament, too. Greig says they are also wiser animals.


It is hard to tell whether he lives with so many pets from his house, since most of them are quiet and snuggled up in napping corners.


Despite the challenges he faces, Greg plans to continue what he’s doing and to adopt a new animal once his old one passes. What he’s doing makes him feel extremely rewarded and makes his life worthwhile.

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