Family Refuses To Pay $20 For Their Missing Dog, Proclaim He’s “Not Worth It”

Jake, a blind dog who had been abandoned on a filthy alleyway in Los Angeles, was discovered distressed and in need of help. He was rescued by the staff at Doggie Protective Services, and his owners were identified. While the people agreed to let him come back, they were unhappy with being charged $20 for the return.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: The Pet Collective Cares via YouTube Video


The owners refused to pay the small fee, angrily proclaiming that the dog was “not worth it“. Poor Jake watched his beloved humans leave him behind, devastated. Things only got worse for Jake as no one wanted to take a chance on a blind dog.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: The Pet Collective Cares via YouTube Video


Jake was eventually fostered by Tera, the shelter’s director. After rehabilitation for several months, he was adopted by a local woman named Heidi. He is now living like a king in his forever home, surrounded by adoring people and canine siblings.

People frequently overlook the fact that dogs have strong overall senses, and impairments such as blindness barely impede them if they are accompanied by competent caretakers!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: The Pet Collective Cares via YouTube Video

It was discovered in a 2011 study that 75% of adopters avoid going to shelters because of the negative image fostered around rescue dogs.

Watch Jake’s story in the video below!

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