Family’s New Puppy is Seriously a Golden – After Digging Up Rare Coins Worth $8k

A family’s new puppy is already worth his weight in gold, after digging up sovereign coins worth nearly £6,000 ($7,564).

51-year-old Adam Clark bought Ollie, a lagotto romagnolo, as a surprise for his nine-year-old daughter Alicia last month.

The breed is known for digging—especially for truffles—and on March 30, on his first walk around the local English fields, the young dog stumbled upon a small fortune.

To his Blackpool-based owner’s delight and utter disbelief, Ollie instinctively dug up a total of 15 gold sovereign pieces likely dating back to the 19th century.

Adam, who works in property, took the gold coins to be examined by Chards, one of the leading gold dealers in the country—who valued them at a staggering £5,943.96 ($7,564).


The landlord is thrilled with the return from the treasure, but believes the real prize is Ollie himself, dubbing him his very own “gold hunter.”


Adam said, “When we got him we thought he seemed special. Alicia was over the moon and we couldn’t wait to take him out for his first walk around the gala fields.


“We’d literally been walking for around ten minutes when Ollie suddenly stopped and started frantically digging away at the soil. That’s when he uncovered the pile of gold pieces—I couldn’t quite believe it.”


The proud pup’s owner said, “The treasure is one thing, but, the fact is, I’ve bought myself my very own gold hunter, and I cannot wait to take him out again. He is obviously a very special pup and I’m thrilled with what he brings to the table—quite literally!”

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