Frantic Labrador Begs Cop To ‘Follow’ Him And Seconds Later, They’re Both Heroes

Imagine if you’re driving and see a dog running around a neighborhood. Would you pull over and investigate what was happening, or would you keep going? Jeff Gonzalez, a police officer in Germantown, Wisconsin, knew better than to disregard a canine’s instincts. While on patrol in Germantown, Wisconsin, Gonzalez observed an anxious dog named John Boy running about the streets.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TMJ4 News via YouTube Video


Officer Gonzalez was led to an unconscious woman, slumped over on her porch by a Black Lab. It was 3 degrees below zero outside and the dog’s owner had passed out from being in that freezing cold spot for an hour! Officer radioed for help and immediate medical attention arrived for the female victim.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TMJ4 News via YouTube Video


If it weren’t for this “Lassie moment,” as Officer Gonzalez calls it, she would have never made it!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TMJ4 News via YouTube Video


In the incredible video below, the woman’s daughters thank both their mom’s dog and Officer Gonzalez with tears streaming down their faces. They know if it weren’t for their heroics, their mom wouldn’t be alive today!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TMJ4 News via YouTube Video


Click the video below to watch this AMAZING story unfold!

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