He Suffered Alone & Became A ‘Sack Of Bones’ As No One Would Give Him Any Food


When he was found, Billy the homeless dog was a skeleton with severe mange and organs in terrible condition as a result of starvation. His undernourished organs had worsened, and his severely contagious mange made it harder for him to survive. Because he could barely stand, his supporters considered it kinder to put him down.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit:  The Orphan Pet Channel via YouTube Video



However, one woman decided to give Billy a chance. She took him to her home and made him a bed in an unused bathroom. She didn’t know if Billy was going to make it, but she wanted him comfortable and loved after he had been deprived of those things all his life.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit:  The Orphan Pet Channel via YouTube Video


For several weeks, Billy found solace in his quiet corner. The woman came to see him for food and medicine, as well as a toilet break, but all Billy cared about was sleeping all day. It was a miracle when the dog finally acquired the strength to stand up and walk on his own in order to embrace the woman who gave him a second chance!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit:  The Orphan Pet Channel via YouTube Video


As the woman began sharing photo updates on Billy’s progress, many people got suspicious and called her out for “swapping” Billy with another dog. It was then that she made this video to prove that Billy’s journey was very much real, no matter how inconceivable it seemed. Do keep tissues handy as you watch the bittersweet ending of this video.

Click the video below to watch how the woman pulled Billy out from the brink of death and changed his life forever!

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