He Tucked Himself Away From A Pile Of Dead Dogs So He Didn’t End Up Like Them

Animals deserve to be happy. If you can’t give them a good life, do the absolute right thing and give them up properly.

An innocent dog was abandoned in a heap of trash with the dead bodies of other dogs, dying an agonizing death. He had been living in a car. The dog was frightened and hiding among the trash when a rescuer drove up. He was almost entirely skin and bones.


Image/Story Credit: Dog Rescue Site



The dog cowered in a cardboard box and tried to conceal himself as the kind man approached. He had no idea that the rescuer was a good person. All of the other people he came into contact with were hostile. His new foster father had transformed him in only a few weeks! Alex, the dog, is now clean and joyful! He’s gained a lot of weight as well. He has a cough that must be addressed, but he’s doing great so far.


The adorable boy also adores his new foster mother. His tail wags furiously when she calls out his name! The cough is getting better every day and it turned out to be kennel cough, according to the veterinarian.


Image/Story Credit: Dog Rescue Site



Alex goes to a large adoption event in town the following day to meet potential parents. He appears happy, but wonders if he ever find his long-term family.

But, then out of nowhere… he finally met his new family! He went from being considered “worthless” by his previous owner to such hope of a new forever home where he can live out the rest of life being happy. All dogs deserve to be happy, period.



Image/Story Credit: Dog Rescue Site


Look at how happy Alex is in the photo below!


Image/Story Credit: Dog Rescue Site


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