He was kicked out of his home and wandered around sadly for months until he was taken in

That’s how happy he is right now ???? ????

Animal abandonment is a problem that, despite the policies that many governments have promoted to stop it, still has no solution. This has caused stories of mistreatment to be known that are increasingly hard to listen to. The case of Luca, a puppy who had a family and a home to live, was recently known. But from one day to the next his owners rejected him and threw him out into the street.

When animals are abandoned they must go through very difficult times. Since in addition to avoiding extreme climates, such as heat and cold. They must find on their own the food and also the water they need to survive. That happened to Luca, who had to spend many months wandering the streets and taking refuge in parked cars.

Until one day, due to fate, he met some volunteers from the Caninos 911 shelter. The pet home workers also narrated it through their official Facebook social network account. Where they explained that Luca was underweight and that he had not eaten or drank water for many days. Since the trauma of his family abandoning him had been too strong for him.

Little by little, the puppy’s state of health improved, thanks to the rehabilitation he was given at Caninos 911. There he began to be fed by Maber, one of the volunteers, who took care of the puppy day and night so that he could have more confidence. with humans. After 7 months, the puppy began to evolve favorably.

He had regained his weight and had more socialization with both other dogs and humans. However, the day of true happiness for Luca would come later. And it was Maber herself who managed the adoption of the puppy with Fer Ortiz, a young woman who came to the shelter and fell madly in love with Luca.

The ending was happy for Luca, who after going through those adventures because of his former owners, if he can be called that. He can now enjoy the human warmth and affection of his new family, with whom he has been with for 2 years.

He shares with his friends and family this story of abandonment, rescue and recovery. So you can see the great work that some animal rescue organizations do. And for them to take the example of adopting dogs who just want a second chance.


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