Introducing Patron, the brave bomb-sniffing dog hailing from Ukraine. zz

All dogs are amazing, but sometimes there are extraordinary canines who go above and beyond being man’s best friend to doing dangerous and courageous work. This is the case with Ukraine’s most famous bomb sniffing, Patron. Patron means “Ammo” in Ukrainian, and Patron is an exceptional pup. He is a Jack Russel Terrier and small, but he is also very smart and every bit as brave as a lion.

Patron discovered 250 mines, and these are 250 mines that will not kill, maim, or cripple anybody. Patron deserves all the treats in the world for being such a good boy. He is a hero, saving countless Ukrainians from deadly explosive bombs. It is inspiring to see such a courageous and diligent working dog. This pup has thousands of followers on social media, and it is well deserved.

There is also a lot of fun art surrounding Patron and his heroism on the internet. Interestingly, Patron was initially supposed to be a show dog but became a bomb-sniffing dog instead. His human dad taught him to be calm during an explosion, and Patron learned quickly to be just as heroic as any human working to save people. He is so small that even if he steps on an anti-personnel mine, it will not detonate. The effort to accomplish this is 5 kg, and Patron only weighs 4 kg.

When Patron is off duty, he is just a typical dog. Fun and frisky, he is as cute as a button. When you put a vest on him, this pup becomes a brave military dog. He loves to dig, which made him a pro at his job. Patron was even presented with an award from the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The work Patron and Anton do is so important. Watch this video if you love dogs who have heroic jobs.=

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