Mailman Builds A Ramp So His Old Dog Friend Could Still Greet Him When He Comes

A dog ramp was recently erected by USPS employee Jeff Kramer so that elderly black Lab Tashi could still welcome the mailman.

Kramer observed that the dog started having trouble walking at the age of 14. Owner Karen Dimetrosky stated, “We were literally dragging him up and down the stairs.” He is roughly 70 pounds in weight.

On his day off, the mailman just one day showed up and installed the ramp. He’s really incredible, He has kept us alive while we’ve had the ramp.

He should live a little longer, the kind mailman remarked. He remains joyful. What we desire is that. We want a content animal,” Kramer added. Yeah, a mailman who likes dogs, he continued, grinning. What the heck?

A dog ramp was constructed by USPS employee Jeff Kramer so that senior black Lab Tashi could still visit and say “hello.”

The mailman constructs a ramp so his elderly dog friend may still welcome him when he arrives.

Here is a link to the video:

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