Mam Dog Melts Hearts Of Millions When Reuniting With Her Puppies After Growing Up

The video below speaks about a poor dog called Bess, who was found wandering Tennessee’s streets, lonely, miserable and even pregnant!

She was seen by Jon and Tracey Stewart, who saved her and took her to the vet. She was pregnant with 12 pups! The vet told the couple that not all of the puppies would survive as there were so many of them. But Tracey and Jon would not accept that, so, they decided to take the dog and her 12 puppies home to take care of them.

Thankfully, the pups began to play and walk and they all have the full recovery. The pair thought to keep all the puppies, but they knew that would not work.

Thankfully they were all adopted by their friends, who made a big party for them in their first birthday with their mom, what a reunion. Watch the video below.

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