Man Goes To Move A Dead Dog From The Road, But The dog Blinked His Eyes

The founders of the Kartavya Society animal shelter in India, Akash Saxena and Riddle Paliwal, saw something that directly broke their hearts while returning home from work. It was a stray dog lying seemingly lifeless in a busy road. So, they directly decided to help. They stopped to bury him, but when they were about to pick him up, the dog blinked his eyes!

It was obvious that the dog was hit by a car as he had a wound on his head. But miraclessly, he survived. So, Paliwal and Saxena picked the dog up and directly took him to a veterinary clinic for an emergency check up. The veterinarians said that it would be a miracle for the dog to survive because of his major head injuries, but the dog did.

The dog, who was named Miracle, started to recover slowly. Typically, the rescuers try to find homes for such a case, but in this case, they decided to adopt the dog as they fell in love with him easily.

The dog in now having a great life with his new owners after recovering completely. He is now shining in his new home. What a happy ending! Watch the video below.

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