Man Picks Up Tiny Puppy ‘Crying in Pain’ on Road and Gives Him a New Life

Many adore their furry friends, yet some regrettably make the unforgivable decision to abandon them like garbage–either simply leaving them on the side of a road or surrendering them at shelters. An inhabitant from North Africa was taking a walk in his village one night when he heard sorrowful wails emanating from over by the sidewalk. He followed those cries and discovered an anguished pup writhing and whimpering in distress beside it.


Image/Story Source Credit: kitten&puppy are a life/YouTube Video Story

Helping a puppy off the side of the road, the man noticed there were no mama or littermates nearby. The puppy crouched by his stomach and whimpered, seemingly scared from the collapse of its tiny family.

The lonely puppy would not survive another night on the streets and so, after a wholesome meal and some TLC, the man convinced the puppy to trust him and took him home to give him what he needed most: nursing and medical care.

Image/Story Source Credit: kitten&puppy are a life/YouTube Video Story


The puppy was so scared and confused in the new place and still whining because he was hurting. The man placed the puppy on a warm blanket but had no idea how to console him until he figured out what was causing him pain.


Image/Story Source Credit:kitten&puppy are a life/YouTube Video Story


The man’s two pets, an adorable orange cat and a spunky black dog sprinted over to look after the distressed rescue puppy. They licked and comforted the sobbing puppy and assured him that he will get all the help he needs. After a while, the puppy drifted off to sleep with his 2 new furry friends snuggling by his side like protective siblings. That’s such a sweet gesture! This story illustrates how close animal friendships can be.


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