Owner Chains Dog To One Spot For 15 Years, Mocks Anyone Who Tries To Save Him

Every day, on his way to work, a man noticed a chained dog who would snarl at him. After some time observing the dog, he learned that for 15 years this had been Rusty Diamond’s life–chained outside without any shelter from extreme weather conditions and left with only the job of barking and keeping strangers away.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


One day, the man had enough confidence to approach Rusty. When the guy poked his quivering hands through the wire, Rusty immediately came forward and allowed him to pet him! After that day, the guy began visiting every day to speak with the abandoned dog and make him feel appreciated.

When the owner discovered Rusty fraternizing with a man, she was furious. However, the guy refused to back down and demanded that she give her dog a decent life. The woman only mocked him and warned him that Rusty would bite him if she unclipped the leash.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


The man only grew more determined to rescue Rusty. He threatened the woman with legal consequences if she didn’t surrender Rusty, which upset her. She eventually decided to give Rusty to the man, and the dog was happy to follow him because he showed love!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


The man was unable to adopt Rusty, so he took the older dog to the shelter and got him treated for a variety of abuse and neglect-related illnesses. For the first time in his life, Rusty felt liberated from shackles, and he responded immediately! This amazing young guy is now living the greatest life with his canine brothers and sisters in his new forever home!


Click the video below to watch how one man’s determination brightened up Rusty Diamond’s twilight years!

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