Pregnant Dog Was About To Be Put On Kill-List, But Woman Stepped In To Stop It

When shelter workers picked up a heavily pregnant dog named Holly from the streets, they were hoping to give her and her puppies a new life. But unfortunately, due to the shelter being over capacity, there was no room for Holly. Poor Holly sensed that she was put on the kill list because of this lack of space and broke down wishing she hadn’t been rescued in the first place.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Vet Ranch via YouTube Video


The shelter workers didn’t give up on Holly. They called multiple times and eventually, Dr. Karri from “Vet Ranch” agreed to take the dog in just hours before the scheduled euthanization!

A worker quickly arranged for Holly’s transportation and left her under the care of the kind vet.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Vet Ranch via YouTube Video


Dr. Karri decided to keep a close eye on Holly after an X-ray showed that she was carrying five large puppies who were almost due.

Holly remained very anxious before her labor, and it was evident that the protective mama simply wanted to preserve her babies and bring them into the world safely.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Vet Ranch via YouTube Video


It’s wonderful to see Holly and her pups developing together, preparing for their futures. We are overjoyed that this exquisite feline family has been given a chance at life. Thank you, Dr. Karri, and the shelter staff for giving them a fighting chance at happiness.


Click the video below to watch how a brave Holly birthed her precious puppies after barely escaping the kill list.

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