Puppy Won’t Leave Human’s Side For Fear She’ll Be Left Behind Again

Abandoned animals have to go through the unthinkable. A puppy, named Kiva, was found on the streets by rescuers. She was emaciated and had terrible mange. Her poor skin looked so painful and her tiny frame could barely hold her up. She needed medical attention and lots of nutritious meals.


Source Screenshot: The Moho – YouTube


Kiva was fortunate enough to get the help she deserved. And soon, she also found a forever home. The pup still had a long road ahead of her but the love that surrounded her made all the difference. The family concentrated on her physical health but they weren’t as prepared for the emotional attachment Kiva was about to form.


Source Screenshot: The Moho – YouTube


The pup was so scared of being abandoned again. In fact, her fear was so crippling that she didn’t let her humans out of her sight. She was glued to them and while it was sweet, her family was a bit worried that her attachment would affect her just by doing day-to-day activities like going to work, going on vacation, etc. 


Source Screenshot: The Moho – YouTube


But then something truly amazing happens that helps Kiva tremendously. We couldn’t be more thrilled! Thank you to the rescuers who helped Kiva and thank you to her forever family. We love stories that end happily!


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