Shelter Puppy comforts her sister with a hug after being rescued

A call came in last weekend to the Animal Charity of Ohio, a nonprofit humane group, requesting assistance for a family of dogs. When Jane MacMurchy, the nonprofit’s operations director, and a humane agent arrived to the location, they discovered a mother and her two pups living in filth.

The owners were clearly not caring for the dogs, and the small family had learnt to rely totally on one another.

“They were in appalling situations,” MacMurchy told The Dodo. “There was maybe 6 to 8 inches of garbage in a makeshift enclosure, and [the pups] were entirely unsocialized.”

The owners handed up the 5-month-old puppies, Peaches and Layla, as well as their 7-year-old mother, Lady, to the rescuers, who hurried the dogs to the shelter.

While a veterinarian examination revealed that the canines were in good condition, the pups lacked confidence and had no notion what to do when their mother was not around to show them. It crushed MacMurchy’s heart to witness Peaches and Layla console one other in the shelter.

“We were performing the vaccinations and the wellness check, and Mom was the first to complete,” MacMurchy explained. “We were walking her out into our intake area, and the pups, who were terrified without their mother, clung on to each other.”

The small family is residing in the shelter, where they are learning what it means to be safe.

“We give them time many times a day to simply rest and receive some TLC in a quiet area with a staff member so they can learn how to trust,” MacMurchy explained. “They perform considerably better when their mother is around, so we work with all three of them together as well as separately.” It’s a long process, but they’re learning to be confident on their own.”

Lady is already self-assured just a few days after her rescue, eager to meet new people and go for walks. The socialization procedure for her two puppies, on the other hand, will take a little longer.

“[Lady] is a tail-wagging, wiggle-butt little darling who is simply delighted to get affection,” MacMurchy added. “The pups aren’t quite ready yet.” They accept love and affection, they are bouncy and joyful when they are together, and they rely on each other for their confidence.”

“They’re completely reliant on each other,” MacMurchy remarked.

When Peaches and Layla are old enough to be adopted, the pups will hopefully go to the same household. They will receive hugs not just from one other, but also from their loving family.


Deaf And Blind Puppy Uses Her Superpower To Dig For Buried Treasure

A breeder dumped her because she’s blind and deaf, but her “disability” is what makes her so incredibly special.

Nellie, an adorable puppy, was abandoned by her breeder due to being deaf and blind. Despite this, she is an incredibly resilient little girl who has adapted well to her condition. Her foster parents are amazed at how she navigates the world, with her sharp sense of smell helping her along the way. Nellie is a happy and playful pup who loves to run and snuggle with her new doggy friends.

Nellie’s foster parents are careful not to move things around so she doesn’t get confused, and her veterinarian has reassured them that she is used to her condition and doesn’t know any different. To Nellie, she’s just a normal pup, even though we all know she’s truly exceptional.

Nellie’s veterinarian assured her foster parents that she is used to her condition and doesn’t know any different. Her foster mom says, “She’s never known any different, so she thinks she’s normal.” But we all know she’s not “normal”; she’s exceptional! The breeder may have thought she was trash, but she is far from it!

Despite her rough start in life, Nellie is a little warrior who loves to dig around for treasures using her nose as her superpower. She is still looking for her forever home, but there’s no doubt that she will find the perfect family to give her all the love and care she deserves.

Prepare to fall in love with this little hero; she’s simply too cute for words! A special thanks to all the amazing fosters out there who take care of pups like Nellie.

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