Shelter Works Non-Stop To Help Depressed Mama Dog Reunite With Her Lost Puppies

The workers at Marin Humane Society were distraught when they learned that a woman had abandoned her two dogs, Cora, and her newborn puppies. When they examined Cora, they realized that she had just given birth and been cruelly separated from her young.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Marin Humane via YouTube Video


Cora was devastated at the shelter. The sad dog buried herself in a corner of her cage and sobbed bitterly for days. To locate Cora’s pups, the staff began investigating their whereabouts. After much effort, they were able to track down the pups!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Marin Humane via YouTube Video


In this moving film, we witness Cora’s reunion with her pups. Cora appears nervous at first as she watches the employee bring in the cage. She quickly detects the presence of her puppies and goes toward the crate apprehensively.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Marin Humane via YouTube Video


Cora is overcome with emotion when she sees her puppies waiting for her. The tiny animals wrap their mother in a loving embrace with wagging tails and warm kisses. The mama dog immediately begins feeding her hungry pups and praises the workers for returning her precious babies.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Marin Humane via YouTube Video


Cora loved caring for her pups and nurturing them until they were ready to be rehomed. For several weeks, Cora happily raised and coddled her pups until they were ready to be adopted. The shelter made certain that the entire family went to good homes. What a sweet happy ending for Cora and her puppies!

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