Hope For Paws and Rescue From The Hart teamed up to save a small dog from a dark sewer drain, the little pup had been living in a sewer tunnel with another dog, until a rainstorm took his friend away. He was left there, alone and frightened.

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The poor dog was fully covered in dirt and grime. The rescue wasn’t so easy since the scared pup used to run back to the tunnel every time he heard the rescuers approaching. The dog kept running deeper and deeper untill he had no space anymore. They even tried to put a leash on the pitiful boy, but he found ways to avoid it. Seriously, his reaction could break anyone’s heart.

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After multiple times failing they decided to take it slow. He came to the dog who was hiding behind a chair, petted him gently, comforted him with all the sweet words. This man is truly an amazing dog whisperer.

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“Let’s go home,” one of the rescuers said.

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Finally the little pooch calm down and they managed to take him out. A cleam towel and a big hug was waiting for him outside. The homeless dog’s heart must be warmed up by these kind humans.

Watch the heartwarming rescue!


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