Supermarket created carts adapted to take pets shopping

What a great idea this supermarket chain had ????

Public places are not always the friendliest for people who are constantly accompanied by their pets. In fact, in several places, such as stores, public transport or supermarkets, animals are prohibited, even if they are on a leash. And in a world in which people are more assiduous to have pets and enjoy their company to carry out many activities, this little adaptability of public places could become a problem. In this context, a Brazilian supermarket wanted to make a difference and created shopping carts that have their own space. To take pets that go with their owners.

According to information, it is a supermarket located in Passo de Torres, a town in Santa Catarina. The cart is specially built so that there is a small booth where both dogs and cats can go. The news of these new cars went viral after some photos were published in a group on the social network Facebook, dedicated to the activities of the town. In the publication, uploaded by Tania Furtado, a man appears holding a cart while carrying a dachshund inside the small cage.

«Congratulations to the Baggio Supermarket, in Passo de Torres, for the initiative to put this type of shopping cart. Where we can take our pet, Mel, shopping, without causing any inconvenience,” Tania wrote. This initiative made those people who are constantly with their pets happy and who sometimes cannot leave them alone.

This prevents them from having to be in the corridors and from disturbing another client. Even so, as there are also people in favor of the idea, its detractors also appeared. Some users of the Facebook social network group doubted if this was a good idea since, as a supermarket, they do not want animals to mix with the food.

Share with your friends and family this beautiful initiative of a supermarket in Brazil. So that many more supermarkets in the world follow the example and facilitate the access of our pets.


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