The online community is sharing the heartwarming tale of a gentle and compassionate dog who has become the adoptive mother to three tiger cubs. zz

The internet has been abuzz with the heartwarming story of a Labrador Retriever that has taken on the role of a mother to three abandoned tiger cubs. According to, the video of the dog and the tiger cubs has garnered 4.2 million views, 591 likes, 276 loves, 75 comments, and 150 shares on Facebook.

The video showcases the unusual bond between the dog and the tiger cubs. The Labrador Retriever has taken on the role of their mother, nurturing and protecting them as if they were her own. As the video went viral, people around the world were touched by the compassion and maternal instincts of the dog.

The dog has become the reluctant adoptive mother of these 3 tigers

The incident took place in a zoo, where the three tiger cubs were abandoned by their mother. In their hour of need, the Labrador Retriever stepped in and became their reluctant adoptive mother. The video of the dog and the tiger cubs has now become a symbol of hope and love for people all over the world.

The dog has become the reluctant adoptive mother of these 3 tigers

The story of the dog and the tiger cubs has become a viral sensation, with news outlets around the world covering the story. According to, the internet is amazed at the love and compassion that the dog has shown towards the tiger cubs. The video has been shared widely on social media, with people praising the dog’s maternal instincts and unconditional love.

This is not the first time a dog has taken on the role of a mother to abandoned tiger cubs. According to, Isabella, a golden retriever, became a surrogate mother to three white tiger cubs in a rural Kansas zoo in 2009. Isabella’s maternal instincts helped the cubs survive and thrive, and they eventually grew up to become healthy adult tigers.

The dog has become the reluctant adoptive mother of these 3 tigers
The dog has become the reluctant adoptive mother of these 3 tigers

In conclusion, the story of the Labrador Retriever that has become the reluctant adoptive mother of three abandoned tiger cubs has touched the hearts of people all over the world. The love and compassion that the dog has shown towards the tiger cubs is a reminder of the power of unconditional love and the unbreakable bond between humans and animals. The video of the dog and the tiger cubs has become a symbol of hope and love, and it will continue to inspire people for years to come.

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