The poor moment of the dog with his eyes begging to be freed from the chain. C

There was a dog named Bao, a cute and mischievous dog. However, Bao’s life became difficult when his owner became heartless and started chaining and starving him in a cruel way.

Every day, Bao could only sit there helpless and plead with his eyes, trying to attract the attention of people around him. But no one dared to come close because Bao’s owner was always there to control and prevent anyone from helping this poor dog.

One day, a young woman walked by and saw Bao pleading with his helpless eyes. She felt very heartbroken to see the dog chained and starving like that, and decided to do something to help Bao.

The woman came back late at night when Bao’s owner had gone to sleep. She freed Bao from the chain and gave him some food and water. Bao felt very happy and knew that someone loved and cared for him.

However, Bao’s owner discovered this and began to search for the woman. But the woman was not afraid and decided to keep Bao and take him to a safe place. From then on, Bao was taken care of and loved properly, and the life of this adorable dog was completely changed.

The story of Bao serves as a reminder of the cruelty of humans and the power of love and compassion. Bao was freed from suffering and was loved and cared for properly, and his story became a source of inspiration and hope for others to treat animals kindly as well.

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