This is the story of a dog that has lived on remote streets for many years, has survived so long that it has learned to live alone and independently, going out every day to beg for food.w

Many are the animals that face the most difficult situations, suffering cold and hunger, without any home that loves and protects them.

Fortunately, there are always good people who give them some help to make their lives more bearable and to give them a little bit of joy.

Recently, Sally went viral without expecting it.

It happened after a noble employee of the fast food chain Subway shared a touching video of the dog, waiting in front of the door of the establishment in the hope of finding food.

“This stray dog ​​has been coming to Subway every night since last year,” said the employee.

The video shows the employee putting different types of meat on a piece of paper that he takes to the door and gently hands to the dog

. the food full of enthusiasm and joy, carefully places the piece of paper on the ground and eats it energetically.

From that moment on, the dog is known worldwide as Subway Sally, causing excitement in millions of Internet users.

According to the employee’s own words , he and his other companions always feed the dog every time she visits them because they know her life on the streets is not easy.

However, while most people love the video, many have started to question the employee as to why he hasn’t taken Sally to a shelter yet.

“Sally should be in a shelter where she can get the help she so badly needs,” said one internet user.

To respond to the criticism he received, the official clarified that the nearest shelter is 32 kilometers away, but they don’t want to take him because the place is so saturated that they usually “sacrifice” the animals.

The man believes that there are many stray animals because it is a very poor city, so most people decide to abandon their pets when they can no longer feed them.

Fortunately, Sally has the support of employees at Subway and other stores in the area who make sure she has food every day and a safe place to sleep.

The employee would gladly adopt the dog, but he has five cats in his house, so it would be a very complicated situation.

“But I hope Sally finally has a loving home one day. Let’s help Sally find a home! She deserves to have a family.” he said.

There are many defenseless animals that urgently need a home to feel loved and protected.

Together, we can help them and reunite them with the family they’ve always wanted.

Share this heartwarming story with all your friends and encourage pet adoption.

What a beautiful dog! I hope a nice family comes along to adopt her. And congratulations to the restaurant staff, for their willingness to help a life that matters even with criticism.



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