Tiny Puppy Can’t Take A Hint, Keeps ‘Following’ Brother Who Wants To Take A Nap

If you think miscommunication is a human-only problem, check out this hysterical exchange between two Shih-Tzu siblings – Milo and Kitkat. It’s clear that they love each other dearly, yet there seems to be some serious discrepancies in regards to their cuddling preferences; neither of them willing to give an inch!

Source (Screenshot) credit: ViralHog via YouTube


Kitkat is the ultimate cuddle bug, to the great dismay of her sleepy brother Milo. No matter how hard he tries to get some restful alone time, his persistent sister always comes in for a hug. He scurries from one couch to another trying desperately to escape Kitkat’s overzealous displays of affection but she just doesn’t take the hint!

Source (Screenshot) credit: ViralHog via YouTube


In this hysterical video, Milo is seen desperately attempting to escape his relentless sister Kitkat, who follows him around like a devoted pup. Though we do sympathize with naive little Kitkat, Milo’s unenthused yet subtle attempts to break free had us in fits of laughter!

Source (Screenshot) credit: ViralHog via YouTube


However, Milo isn’t one to be kept up by his snuggly sibling who just won’t take the hint. Eventually, he uses a crafty approach to put an end to Kitkat’s bothersome behavior – leaving her completely perplexed! That silly finale had us in stitches!

Click the video below to watch these two hysterical brothers! ????

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