Today is my birthday They say I won’t get presents because I’m old is true.w

Today, I proudly close another year of my life. Although time passes at an unstoppable speed, today has a special meaning – it’s my birthday. However, others say that I shouldn’t expect special gifts, because I’m an adult and not as young as before.

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Birthdays are an occasion for us to receive congratulations and love from those around us. It is a moment for us to look back on our journey, to see the successes, failures, happiness and difficulties that life brings. It is a time to indulge ourselves and enjoy the little joys that life has to offer.

However, many people tend to associate age with not receiving meaningful gifts anymore. They argue that as we age, we are no longer worthy of congratulations or special gifts. But is that the truth?

The fact is that age shouldn’t be the yardstick by which to measure a person’s worth and likability. Age is just a number on paper and cannot determine a person’s true aspirations, passions and values. Age does not erase dreams and hopes, nor does it diminish the ability to appreciate and appreciate the wonderful things in life.

With each birthday, we have the opportunity to remind ourselves that age is just a number. We have the right to love ourselves and enjoy the little joys that life has to offer. Birthdays are an occasion for me to remember the memories, the lessons that life has taught me and for me to grasp.

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