The dog used all his strength to cry and call for someone’s help after getting stuck in the asphalt


An abandoned dog in Suwaki, Poland, laid down on recently dumped tar in search of a warm place to rest. Sadly, the dog didn’t realize he was trapped until he started barking for assistance. The dog was begging for help, and the nearby workers could hear him barking loudly.

When they got there and saw the dog, they called Joanna Godlewska of the Niczyje Animal Foundation right away. The courageous creature managed to pry his snout free of the tar, enabling him to bark and breathe.

With the assistance of neighborhood fire departments and police departments, animal rescuers gradually removed the dog’s fur. The dog’s body was eventually freed from the tar by the team.

The dog was then taken to the vet to be examined and given restorative medication for exhaustion. His body had over 100 ticks removed from it.

After numerous baths to get rid of the remaining tar on his fur and paws, the dog was given a soft bed and a warm meal. Fortunately, the dog started to feel better, and his minor head injuries were also attended to.

The cute puppy, named Farcik, is slowly learning to walk and will remain with his rescuers until he recovers fully. When he is fully recovered, he will be made available for adoption. We wish him a speedy recovery and a forever home.


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