What’s Not To Love About A Dog Movie Starring Channing Tatum?

I love when a dog appears in a movie, but when the movie is fully about a dog? That’s my kind of cinema. Lucky for me, there have been quite a few dog movies lately, including Apple TV+’s Finch starring Tom Hanks, and Disney+’s Togo.

A 2022 film starring Magic Mike hunk Channing Tatum, who also directs, is about a retired K9 Belgian Malinois named Lulu. It hit the theaters this past February 2022. And, if you missed it, you can now stream it on your TV.

Personally, I saw it for the first time last evening and I must tell you, it really touched my heart. I feel that they made this out to be a comedy but it will absolutely grab your heart and not let go!



About Dog:

In Dog, Tatum plays Army Ranger Briggs, who must bring a K9 down the coast to her handler’s funeral in order to regain some honor. The film is kind of a road trip movie, as these two mismatched travel companions have to learn to understand one another along the way.


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: MGM via YouTube Video


One clip in the trailer (sure to be a favorite for many) shows Tatum taking a bath with the dog. Another funny moment sees Lulu tearing up the front seat of Briggs’ car while he angrily calls her “a demon.” Notably, this breed can be mischievous if not kept busy (say, doing military work.)


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: MGM via YouTube Video


The trailer also indicates some tender moments as Lulu drops her aggression to show her true sweet nature, and Tatum’s character learns to let love in. Dog is billed as a dramedy, and it seems it will make audiences both laugh and cry (dog movies tend to do that.)

The Significance Of This Story

Dog is a labor of love and a story that means a lot to writer/co-director Reid Carolin and Channing Tatum. The two filmmakers met while working on the 2008 Iraq war drama “Stop-Loss” and also co-produced a 2017 HBO documentary “War Dog: A Soldier’s Best Friend.”

The latter film explored the relationships between U.S. Special Operations soldiers and their devoted K9s. Obviously, this is a rich area, as handlers and their brave, loyal dogs form very tight bonds.


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: MGM via YouTube Video


It makes sense that it would be so important for Lulu to be at her handler’s funeral in the film. It’s also natural that she’s a Belgian Malinois, a breed known for their intelligence who frequently work important jobs.


Working with animal actors can be extra challenging for the human actors who have to share the screen. Fully up to the challenge, Tatum wrote on Instagram:

“This process of making @dogthefilm has been one of the craziest journeys of my life! Also, if you would enjoy watching me get bit by a dog, this will be a very fulfilling and funny movie for you.”


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: MGM via YouTube Video


If you didn’t get your ticket for the movies, then be sure to find it on TV and stream – you will not regret it! Watch the movie trailer below by MGM.


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