Wildlife Photographer Gets Adorable Greeting By Family Of Meerkat

A South African conservationist and wildlife photographer called Nick Kleer has always seen great creatures throughout his career.

Due to being for many years in the wild, he was able to make a special bond with a group of amusing and charming meerkats.

Recently, he shared a video on Twitter showing interaction with these meerkats with a caption that wildlife photographers shouldn’t frighten the animals by blending in.

You can see in the video a meerkat perched atop Kleer’s head while he was lying on the ground. The video ended with many animals surrounding Kleer!

It is obvious that the animals know the photographer very well to the point they play with him!

Kleer shared online that this was one of the greatest experiences he has ever had, and one he won’t ever forget! I think that we all hope to have such an experience. What do you think?! Watch the video below.

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