With the Tumor Advancing and His Father’s Neglect, He Beseeched, “Don’t Look Away.” zz

Just like humans, animals cannot control when they get sick. Or how expensive their treatment may be. Most of us do all we can to ensure our pets are well-cared for.

Then there’s “the select few” who would rather their animals suffer than shell out money to get them the treatment they need. They don’t even try.

If finances are strained, there are options. Some owners instead just ignore the situation as their pets suffer.

Courtesy Of Animal TV/Youtube

This sweet dog, through no fault of his own, developed a large tumor on his head. Of course, it didn’t start out this large but it did grow rapidly.

His owner refused to get him treatment. Neighbors saw the poor dog suffering and made a call to a local rescue group.

Courtesy Of Animal TV/Youtube

The group happily stepped up. They went to the owner and insisted he surrender the dog to their care. They then took him to the vet.

The doctor and his staff agreed that they would treat the tumor with aggressive radiation. That would be the dog’s best chance at recovery.

Courtesy Of Animal TV/Youtube

From the start, the dog was so brave. He had no idea what was going on but had a feeling these were the good guys. He even smiled through treatment!

Courtesy Of Animal TV/Youtube

The dog was immediately started on pain medication. They knew the radiation would take its toll so they kept the dog at the animal hospital through his treatment.

His tumor started to look a bit scary but there’s no cause for alarm; he’s being monitored 24/7 by very qualified people.

Even when he’s in so much pain, he still wags his tail to thank his new friends.

Courtesy Of Animal TV/Youtube

His favorite time of day, when he’s feeling up to it, is to go for a walk. It’s hard for him to hold his head up when he’s weak but his energy levels are improving rapidly!

Courtesy Of Animal TV/Youtube

The brave pup is still in treatment and could really use your prayers. Can you please pray for him? And ask others to pray for him too? Prayers and healing thoughts really do work!

Courtesy Of Animal TV/Youtube

To learn more, scroll down and check out his story. He’s such a good dog!

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