Woman Faces Owner Who Let His Dog Eat Trash And Waste Away

When a woman spotted a Pit Bull on the side of the road, she knew she had to do something. The dog was in terrible shape. He was too skinny and had tumors all over his body. She called Bali Bully Rescue, and they were able to speak to the owner and convince him to surrender the dog. The woman knew that the pup wouldn’t survive much longer in the condition he was in, so she took him to the vet.


The Pit Bull, named Louis, was eight years old and had missed out on a lot of love in his life. The woman knew that he needed someone who would give him what he craved. And she found that in his new mom. Despite his health and trauma, Louis immediately bonded with his new mom, sleeping in her bed and going everywhere with her. She showered him with love and affection, even feeding him with chopsticks and singing to him.


In just one month with his new mom, Louis seemed to pack in all the love and experiences he had missed out on in his previous years. A few weeks later, the woman who initially rescued him checked in on Louis and found he had almost completely healed and was much happier. He had come out of his shell and developed quite a personality.

She decided to take Louis out for a little beach date, and he absolutely loved it. He ran like a young dog, enjoying the sand and being around people. Louis is now living his best life in a loving foster home. He is still searching for his forever family to live out his golden years. This heartwarming story serves as a reminder of the importance of rescuing and caring for animals in need, and the incredible impact that love and kindness can have on their lives.

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