Woman Heard Crying, Found Newborn Human Baby Tucked In Between Litter Of Stray’s Pups zz

Way is a stray dog from Buenos Aires, Argentina, who has a heart of gold. The street dog had just given birth to a litter of puppies and was doing everything in her power to care for them when she came across someone else needing some help.

Way had always managed to survive on the streets but now had plenty of other mouths to feed, so she scoured the area for any food she could find. It was winter in Argentina, so she had to hurry.

That’s when Way came across a newborn human baby in an alley clearly abandoned by its mother. The dog’s maternal instincts kicked in, and she knew the baby needed warmth. So Way ran back to her puppies and carried them one by one to place around the newborn. She then wrapped her body around the group the best she could.

The baby, now named Santino, was rushed to the emergency room for immediate medical attention. Alejandria told the story of the stray, and the doctors truly believe if it weren’t for the dog’s heroic actions, the baby would’ve passed away. Way was hailed as a hero.

Santino was in surprisingly good shape for what he’d been through, and most of that was thanks to the amazing care Way had provided.

Police were eventually able to track down the baby’s mother, a 33-year-old Buenos Aires woman who already had eight other children. She was arrested and charged with abandoning her newborn baby.

Way was taken in by a local shelter where she and her babies would be cared for until they could find forever homes. What an amazing story all around!

h/t Animal Channel

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Lucky Elderly Man Is Greeted Every Day By A “Friend” Who Crawls Out Of The Ice:

We’ve all seen some unique and unlikely friendships over the years, but this one here may take the cake!

One day, a starving otter appeared at an elderly man’s door wanting some food. Ever since, Seppo Laamanen, 65, and Iivari the otter have been inseparable best friends.

Source: StoryTrender/YouTube

It all started when Seppo fed worms and fish to the small and malnourished otter who was clearly looking for food.

After that, the friendly animal repaid the kindness by visiting the man at his home in Punkaharju in easter Finland. This was the start of something special.

Source: StoryTrender/YouTube

There’s no way Seppo could’ve ever imagined it’d all lead to this. This adorably unique friendship is one for the ages, and it’s something you have to see to believe.

There’s nothing like the bond between two friends regardless of the species! ????

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10 Of The “Most Loyal” Dog Breeds On The Planet

Giving love and support to humans is something that some dogs do better than others.

While many dogs love everyone they meet and are willing to take treats or belly rubs from anyone, the pups we found are just the opposite.

These 10 dogs are some of the most loyal breeds on the planet. They are rock steady in their loyalty to their owner no matter what.

1) Akita

When the American Kennel Club (AKC) lists loyalty to describe the temperament of the Akita, you know they mean business. The beautiful double-coated working dog of Japanese ancestry is considered hardwired in protecting those she loves. They should be socialized with other dogs and people from the time they are puppies. Their silly, fun, but dignified personalities round out the loyal Akita.

Source: NicoMonaco/Flickr

2) Boxer

This working dog is smart, full of energy, and oh so loyal to their family. They get along great with kids and have an innate instinct to protect their pack. He’s a watchdog with a heart of gold who oozes dedication to his owner.

Source: Pierre Pocs Photography/Flickr

3) Skye Terrier

Known as the “small dog with the big ears,” this adorable breed hails from the Scottish Isle of Skye, hence the name. Whether you live in the city or the country, this small dog with a big personality is steadfast in snuggling, playtime, and remaining loyal to his owners.

Source: WaketheSun/Flickr

4) Beagle

This merry hound is friendly, curious and incredibly loyal. While he doesn’t mind the occasional couch potato time, this spunky pooch is energetic and merry. A fun fact about this hound: the breed standard is for 13 inches and under and another in the 13-15 inch category. No matter how you size him, these adorable dogs just want to cling to you.

Source: Simon Hameau/Flickr

5) Shar-Pei

This wrinkly non-sporting breed is standoffish to strangers but very loyal to his owner. His ancient Chinese roots are part of the charm of the Shar-Pei. Regal, strong, and smart, if you want a BFF for life, this loose-skinned pooch may be the right choice for you.

Source: Alessandro Persano/Flick

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