World War II veteran celebrates 104th birthday

Harrison Hull celebrated his birthday Friday with cake and music in Fort Wayne.


FORT WAYNE, Ind. — A celebration was held Friday to honor an Indiana military veteran.

Harrison Hull turns 104 on Saturday, but the Kingston Residence where he lives in Fort Wayne partied a little bit earlier to mark the occasion, with cake and music on Friday afternoon.

“You can’t ask for anything better than that,” Hull said.

Hull, who served in the Air Force during World War II, said he’s met a lot of people over the years and likes to think he’s been an honest and trustworthy man to those he encountered.

“I don’t think I have an honest to goodness enemy in this world,” Hull told WPTA. “People like me.”

In addition to Friday’s party, hundreds of birthday cards and letters have poured in after a Facebook request from the staff at Kingston.

“I feel very appreciative. it’s humbling,” Hull said.

“It’s just amazing to see the community feel as much love for Harrison as we do,” said Kingston Residence executive director Amanda Craig.

It’s not too late to send birthday wishes to Hull. Just send your letter to:

Kingston Residence of Fort Wayne
c/o Harrison
7515 Winchester Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46819


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