10 Body Signals Warning Health Problems

Most often, we don’t worry about our health until we start to experience severe symptoms. Things like headaches, stomach aches, and fatigue have become too common that many people think they’re just normal. Well, most of the time they are. And even the healthiest individuals can suffer from occasional discomfort and pain.

However, we should always be aware of what our body is trying to tell us.

Below are 10 ways our body signals that we should be more concerned with our health:

Unexplained Weight Loss

Drastic weight loss is something to be worried about, especially if you haven’t changed anything in your diet. Most often, it indicates an underlying condition.

Health problems associated with unintentional weight loss are overactive thyroid, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), depression, endocarditis, tuberculosis, and cancer. As you can see, all these are chronic illnesses that require immediate and proper treatment. If you’ve lost more than 10 pounds without exercise or diet changes, it’s time to check in with your doctor.

What are the Causes of Sudden Weight Loss and When to See the Doctor? - PSRI Hospital

Stomach Pain

You can have stomach pain for many reasons. Indigestion, allergies, or some bacterial infection are among the most common causes of abdominal pain. These symptoms can be addressed by taking either prescription or over-the-counter medications. And more importantly, by practicing proper hygiene like washing hands regularly or sanitizing surfaces with disinfecting wipes before use.

However, in some cases, stomach pain signals something more serious, such as a heart attack. Other symptoms to watch out for are nausea and heartburn. Meanwhile, “crampy” abdominal pain that is accompanied by bloating and diarrhea may signal irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Chest Discomfort

Chest pain is a major red flag that requires immediate medical attention. It’s a common symptom of a heart attack but it could also be caused by pancreatitis, pneumonia, panic attack, and many more health problems.

What causes chest pain and when to consult a heart doctor - UChicago Medicine

If you or someone you know suffers from chest pain along with nausea, shortness of breath, pain or numbness, lightheadedness or dizziness, sudden weakness, flushing or a cold sweat, call 911 immediately.

Skin Problems

You can have a quick assessment of your overall health just by looking at your skin.

Being the largest organ in the human body, the skin can tell a lot of things about our health. For instance, a skin rash that is accompanied by fever, joint pain, or muscle pain could indicate an internal problem or an infection. Yellowing of the skin could suggest liver failure while darkening of the skin, particularly on skin folds, could be a sign of hormonal disease.

The most common skin diseases and skin problems: causes, symptoms and treatment options.

Other skin problems that signal a need to check in with your doctor are:


It’s common for older adults to have these. But deep forehead wrinkles could point to atherosclerosis which is the hardening of arteries – a risk factor for heart disease.


Acne is a common skin problem that can happen even in healthy individuals. But how do you know that it’s more than acne? If you haven’t had acne for a long time and you suddenly experience breakouts, it’s best to consult your doctor. Sometimes, it could indicate Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or hormonal disorders.

Take A Break From Breakouts - African Extracts Rooibos Skin Care


Dry and itchy skin could be a sign of a hormonal problem, such as an overactive thyroid. Meanwhile, people with autoimmune disease may suffer from swelling and hardening of the skin.

Weakness in the Arms and Legs

This symptom is due to loss of muscle strength, which can be caused by different health problems. Weakness, which also comes in the form of weariness, tiredness, lack of energy, or fatigue could be a sign of underlying illnesses like congenital myopathies, electrolyte imbalances, malnutrition, malignant tumors, nerve impingement.

Fluctuation in Body Temperature

The normal body temperature is 98.6°F (37°C) ± 1°. It’s common to go past this reading when you have a fever. Also, minor fluctuations are normal and can be attributed to environmental factors. However, excessive fluctuations in body temperature could signal more serious conditions, such as hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, septicemia (a type of bacterial infection), and altered insulin activity.

Sleep Issues

Common conditions associated with sleep problems are heart failure, musculoskeletal disorders, kidney disease, and thyroid disease. Insomnia is also a common symptom of mental health disorders like general anxiety, phobias and panic attacks, bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia.

5 Most Common Sleep Disorders | Star Medical Associates

Moreover, certain brain and nerve disorders like dementia and Parkinson’s disease can all cause sleeplessness.

Bathroom Problems

People with type 2 diabetes have bodies that are less efficient at breaking down food into sugar. As a defense mechanism, the body will try to eliminate the sugar by flushing it out into the urine. If you experience more frequent trips to the bathroom (and feel thirsty more often), consider undergoing a blood test to know your average blood glucose level. The sooner diabetes is diagnosed, the easier it is to reverse through proper lifestyle changes.

Chapped Lips

If you can’t live without applying lip balm, it’s your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. Dry, chapped lips are a common cause of vitamin deficiency. Consult your doctor for some lab tests and switch to a more balanced diet to make sure you’re getting the nutrients your body needs.

9 Effective Ways To Cure Chapped Lips Effectively – Vedix

Cloudy Mind

Do you feel ‘lost’ lately? Are you unable to solve simple problems or formulate a potent thought? Cognitive and physical health are intertwined. Just as cognitive problems can result in some physical symptoms, physical illness can also affect our cognitive abilities. Obesity, for example, can significantly impact one’s ability to think and reason.

Chronic health problems usually start with minor symptoms. It’s best to consult your physician for any of your health concerns.

14 Celebrities Who Can Tell Us Some Pretty Curious Things Through Their Tattoos / Now I’ve Seen Everything


In recent years, tattoos have transcended mere decoration on the skin; they have evolved into meaningful symbols, particularly among celebrities who imbue their ink with personal significance, providing fans with insights into their personalities and inner worlds.

Scarlett Johansson

mpi35/ MediaPunch Inc./EAST NEWS, AP/East News

Scarlett Johansson sports a distinctive tattoo encircling her wrist like a bracelet. The ink depicts a chain motif with a petite medallion shaped like a “T”. Within this medallion, the initials “I” and “NY” are inscribed, encapsulating the sentiment of “I love New York,” with a heart at its core.

Kate Beckinsale

In August 2022, the actress got a new tattoo that has the word “mama” written twice. This way, Beckinsale paid tribute to her mother, actress Judy Loe, and to her own daughter, Lily Mo Sheen. Since these 2 words look different, we can assume that they were handwritten by Kate’s mother and daughter.

“The two I’ll kill and die for,” Kate captioned the photo of her tattoo on Instagram.


John Nacion/STAR MAX/IPx/Associated Press/East News

The rapper decided to honor his mother with a tattoo on his face. Drake got a small inking under his left eye, saying “SG.” These are the first letters of his mother’s name, Sandi Graham.

Chrissy Teigen

The model sports a tattoo of a beautiful elephant with a raised trunk on her wrist. Chrissy captioned the photo of her tattoo with a phrase in Thai which can be translated as, “In my past life, I was an elephant.”

Willow Smith

In March 2022, Willow shared a photo of her new tattoo online. The tattoo depicts a hand reaching out toward a galaxy. You can also see math equations along the hand. Earlier, Smith spoke about her love for the otherworldly, so this choice of a drawing seems quite logical. “I’ve always been into everything and anything extraterrestrial,” the celebrity said in an interview.

Susan Sarandon

The Oscar-winning luminary debunked the notion that age restricts tattoo choices. Susan proudly showcases her ink, “MEJ,” running down the spine of her upper back. These initials symbolize her three beloved children: Miles, Eva, and Jack.

Cara Delevingne

Laurent Vu/SIPA/SIPA/East News

The celebrity has more than 20 tattoos, and almost each of them has a deep meaning. So, Delevingne has an inking of a snake on her left hand that seems to crawl over her middle finger. “It’s about re-invention, shedding of old skin, new beginnings, new life,” Cara explained the meaning of this tattoo.


Zodiac signs are a popular theme in tattoos, so Halsey decided to make her own Zodiac sign inking more personalized. “On my Libra scale, I’m weighing sins and forgiveness,” the singer captioned the Instagram photo of her tattoo.

Miley Cyrus


Miley has a tattoo saying “Love” on her right ear. The singer says that it is “to block out all the stuff that everyone throws into your ears. I don’t really care about it. You’re only supposed to hear the things coming from the people that genuinely love you.”

Emily Ratajkowski

In 2022, the model introduced her new tattoo with the word “Sly” placed on the inner side of her arm to her Instagram followers. It is dedicated to her son Sylvester Apollo Bear, nicknamed Sly. Her 2 close friends also got their body parts inked with this word.

Drew Barrymore

The beloved actress affectionately known as America’s sweetheart previously showcased a charming tribute to her children: tattoos of their names delicately etched on her wrist. However, she recently unveiled what she fondly termed her “lifetime note” during a special episode on The Drew Barrymore Show. The fresh ink bears the poignant inscription, “Home is where we are,” a mantra she has embraced for the past five years.

In a deeply moving behind-the-scenes clip, a visibly emotional Barrymore shared with her audience the backstory behind her new tattoo. She recounted moments from her past when she resided in rented apartments, grappling with a sense of melancholy for not providing the envisioned life for her children. Yet, amidst this reflection, she had an epiphany: home transcends physical space; it is wherever they are together.

Jessica Alba

There are 3 constellations on the actress’s arm. They symbolize the Zodiac signs of her 3 children: Honor (Gemini), Haven (Leo), and Hayes (Capricorn).

Lucy Hale

The actress got this small elephant inked on her arm in memory of her trip to Cambodia, which she loved. “Grateful for the remarkable time I had and for the beautiful children we met. Being a very small part of something this extraordinary is something that will stay with me for life, and I can’t wait to be back to see the kids next year,” Hale shared her impressions of the country.


AIex Todd / Avalon / Photoshot / East News

Adele’s affection for her son, Angelo, is evident. The renowned singer proudly displays her maternal love through not one, but two tattoos dedicated to him. The first, bearing Angelo’s name, adorns the outer surface of her right hand. The second, a stylized “A” in a graceful font, graces the area just behind her right ear.

Preview photo credit AIex Todd / Avalon / Photoshot / East News, mpi35/ MediaPunch Inc./EAST NEWS, AP/East News

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