10 Photos That Show Us the Power of Royal Genes / Bright Side

Princess Charlotte of Wales who turned 9 just recently is a captivating blend of her lineage, bearing striking resemblances to both her late grandmother, Princess Diana, and her great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II. From her gentle grace reminiscent of Princess Diana to the regal poise inherited from Queen Elizabeth, Charlotte embodies the best of both iconic figures among young royals. Whether it’s her captivating smile or her elegant mannerisms, the echoes of these remarkable women shine through in Charlotte’s charming presence, adding depth to her own budding persona within the British royalty.



2. Queen Elizabeth and Princess Charlotte

Queen Elizabeth II Attends The State Opening Of Parliament


3. Princess Diana and Princess Charlotte


Prince Harry Marries Ms. Meghan Markle - Windsor Castle


4. Queen Elizabeth and Princess Charlotte

5. Queen Elizabeth and Princess Charlotte

The Queen Visits The United Nations In New York


6. Princess Diana and Princess Charlotte

7. Queen Elizabeth and Princess Charlotte

Queen Elizabeth II And The Duke Of Edinburgh Visit The Bank Of England

Princess Eugenie Of York Marries Mr. Jack Brooksbank


8. Queen Elizabeth and Princess Charlotte

Queen - Mobility - Royal Mews

2016 Royal Tour To Canada Of The Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge - Victoria, British Columbia


9. Princess Diana and Princess Charlotte

UPPA/Photoshot/REPORTER/ East News, DANIEL LEAL/AFP/East News

10. Queen Elizabeth and Princess Charlotte

Queen Elizabeth II visits Port Regis School in Dorset

Princess Charlotte Starts Nursery School


At Bright Side, we’ve opted to outpace time itself, employing a touch of magic to envision the future appearances of these young royals as they mature. Brace yourself, as some of these outcomes are bound to astound and leave you in awe.

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