20 People Who Embraced Change and Realized It Was the Pinnacle Decision of Their Lives

The world is dominated by body positivity, and it is really important to love and accept yourself. However, sometimes people need changes to their appearance that can completely change their lives. For some, a simple haircut is enough, while others opt for surgery. But it is all worth it if it makes a person happy and at peace with themselves.

“November 2010 vs March 2020 — 4 years of braces, double jaw surgery, and a whole lot of smiles later!”

© TheVanilla_Bean / Reddit

“I am 26, and I recently had surgery and lost about 65 lb. Now I got laser skin resurfacing.”

© antioxidantal / Reddit

“It was my 3 year transiversary today and before bed, I wanted to post a before and current.”

© Oriontardis / Reddit

“2.5 months post-op. Septorhinoplasty, chin implant, chin lipo.”

© PureMorning12 / Reddit

Beard really matters.

© GuruKannak / Reddit

“My 5-year transformation.”

© D3xpup / Reddit

“At age 23 my braces are finally off and I couldn’t be happier!! Here’s a before & after.”

© tasteofred / Reddit

“65 days ago, I dropped all of my bad habits, and I’m training for a 1/2 marathon.”

© Capital-Mortgage2001 / Reddit

“My natural hair loss transformation using pumpkin seed oil, peppermint oil, DHT controlling shampoo, and Moringa powder.”

© Devanand100 / Reddit

“1.5 years ago I started to work out, adjusted to a simple diet and skin care routine, can’t forget plenty of water.”

© MotorScientist6656 / Reddit

“From 300 lbs to 172 lbs in 10 months.”

© gretro450 / Reddit

“Age 14 — 25.”

© ASongofWindandEarth / Reddit

“I’m so happy with how it turned out. I changed my hair last week.”

© perkolator_1 / Reddit

“It’s hard to remember this guy sometimes.”

© heat_from_fire / Reddit

“Finally donated my hair.”

© OutcomeDoubtful / Reddit

“10 months apart, all thanks to my friend that made me work hard.”

© Altruistic-Bar-9910 / Reddit

“Lost 60 pounds in 4.5 months. I’m happy and I feel way more confident talking to other people.”

© picandprocess / Reddit

“7 years on testosterone.”

© Dys*** / Reddit

This is what over 2 years of braces, wisdom teeth removal, and 2 jaw correction surgeries looks like.

© cupcakezz / Reddit

“My progress! Be patient!”

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