Mama Dog Can’t Comprehend Why Her New Pups Not Joining Her In Game of Ball

The stress of being a new mom is only overshadowed by the immense joy and comfort it brings. Liberty the Fox Red Labrador recently experienced this same feeling, giving birth to her beautiful litter of eight healthy pups. Her owner reported that she was an incredible mother, however there is still one thing she desires from her babies: playtime! Above all else, Liberty longs for them to join in fun activities together as a family.

Source (Screenshot) credit: Caters Clips via YouTube


After her litter of three-week old fur babies had their fill from a recent feeding, Liberty nestled them in the pen so they could rest. But instead of taking this opportunity for some much needed downtime herself, Liberty trotted to her toybox and brought out a large green ball which she playfully placed inside the puppy’s den.

Quickly realizing what was going on, Liberty’s owner took out her cell phone to film the adorable scene unfolding before them and asked “Do you want your puppies to play? They’re still too small yet Libby.” Despite not being able to understand humans just yet, an unsuspecting sorrowful expression grazed across Liberty’s face as if comprehending every word said by her beloved owner.

Source (Screenshot) credit: Caters Clips via YouTube


One of the cuddly pups rolled onto his back with a perplexed expression, while their brand new mommy probably puzzled over why there were eight furballs but no one to join in on some much-needed playtime. ????????

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