Dog Finally Could Find His Forever Home After Staying For 477 Days In Shelter

An event called ”Adopt Alexander and Friends Day” was made by Wags and Walks, an animal rescue organization in LA to help adopt a puppy called Alexander, who spent more than 470 days in the shelter.

The shelter volunteers and staff did everything they could to help the 80-pound dog find the home he needed. The 3-year-old dog, who was in a high-kill shelter, arrived at Wags and Walks in October 2021.

He was so friendly with everyone from the first day, he has even completed a training session to become the best canine citizen. He has learned to become accustomed to loud noises and vehicles, and many more things.

Alexander, who loves playing with humans and other dogs, was finally adopted to a forever home during the event. More than 800 dogs were adopted in front of his eyes, but this time it was his turn! What a happy ending!

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