Abandoned and Imprisoned: The Tearful Observation of a Pup Locked in a Tree in an Abandoned House

According to Dublin Shelter on 01 Nov 9:0 PM, when Emerson Jarude was on route to save Blackie. A woman just bought a new house and she found him.

Reiki, his sister is surprised when she saw human again. The lady mentioned the house was left unoccupied for a month, that means both Blackie & Reiki have been locked for a months

“My heart was shattered into pieces when I first saw Blackie.” Said the rescuer

Blackiee’s severe emaciated bone tried to penetrate it’s skin, but being locked to a tree. He couldn’t move much.

How he could survive that long. He tried to flee turned out he wounded himself.

They took them to the Vet Clinic. Blackie had blood transfusion as his situation is urgent. Not only emaciated, he also has ticks & flea on his body.

Reiki’s situation is substantially improved, she simply need to eat.

The next day, each was permitted to go home with a foster volunteer. Blackie just ate the whole day.

A week later, Blackie was still quite skinny, but after a month, he turned to the most gorgeous dog. Very great to observe such transfromation.

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